Rebecca MasisakRebecca Masisak is the CEO of TechSoup, whose mission is to ” build a dynamic bridge that enables civil society organizations and changemakers around the world to gain effective access to the resources they need to design and implement technology solutions for a more equitable planet.” TechSoup has long facilitated donations and discounts on software for nonprofits and libraries, but in recent years has added hardware and services to its offerings.

Rebecca joins host Steve Boland to talk about a growth plan for TechSoup to meet more of the needs in a broader range of areas by growing their access to capital. A recently partnership with the Nonprofit Finance Fund was one part of the path, and TechSoup is also asking for investment using a Direct Public Offering, which provides both individuals and organizations an opportunity to be part of the growth in their mission work. Rebecca talks about the growth and changes in their software donations and discount program, adding new programs over time, and engaging a larger conversation about using capital for mission growth.

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